New to Myers Briggs (and not taking it for your job)
When responding to Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) items, answer in favor of who you are when you’re not trying too hard. For instance, you may have learned to stay on a tight schedule to meet your work deadlines, but if this is something you aren’t so fond of outside of the office, it’s probably best to answer that a detailed schedule “does not appeal” to you. In other words, avoid responses that represent the way you’d like to be or would be looked upon more favorably by your employer or family, but do not reflect the effortless you.
To begin, click Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This link takes you directly to the test-taking portal for the MBTI assessment.
After you’ve taken the assessment, we will meet (in-person or by video conference) for an interpretation session during which we will go over the concepts, review and confirm your results, and discuss how you can begin using knowledge of Myers-Briggs and your type to reach your career goals. You will receive detailed Myers-Briggs reports once we’re confirmed your type.